Dr. Kuhn’s lab has developed a professional art collaboration with world-renowned technology-driven artist Refik Anadol. Refik Anadol Studio integrates media arts, architecture and machine learning to develop data sculptures and machine hallucinations. Together Refik Anadol Studio and Dr. Kuhn’s lab are training machine learning algorithms (e.g. generative adversarial networks) on Human Connectome Project and other multimodal human MRI data sets (e.g. data collected during elicitation of discrete emotional experiences, creative generation of novel music). The results are free-form machine imaginings of human structural and functional neural networks.
This collaboration has yielded multiple scientific manuscripts (in preparation) and numerous art projects, the first of which was accepted as a primary installation at the 2021 Venice Biennale, 17th International Art & Architecture Exhibition: “How We Live Together.” The visual outcome for the Venice Biennale is a 3D-printed (10 x 7 x 6 meter) architectural structure of machine imagined tractography with shifting functional networks projection mapped onto and through the structure, allowing visitors to wander through a brain simulation architected by a self-driven machine that speculates a new sense of space.